Friday, July 18, 2008

Favorite Meal

What’s your favorite family meal? May I have the recipe? :)

Our family favorite changes with the seasons or as we discover new recipes. Over the past couple of months, we’ve really liked marinating (for at least a couple hours) chicken breasts in Italian dressing and grilling them. Served with fruit salad and fresh baked rolls, lemonade to drink, and ice cream sandwiches for dessert. Yum!


Meghan Theiss said...

it's hard to beat that one!
My husband really likes VARIETY and I really like to experiment. so we do some comfort foods now and again, but it always changing.

Melissa G said...

I love the crockpot! I make spaghetti sauce...roast...whole chickens...without the oven on! It's fast & easy...and little cleanup! Definitely a great invention.

If I don't do a crockpot meal, a lot of easy things I'll put together are sandwiches & some sort of fruit, or pasta salad...spaghetti (the new bag in the microwave is GREAT for the sauce)...french toast...grilling anything! I do plan to get on a more "organized" food plan this week...I've been winging it for a while, and it shows in how we eat & the budget!

Anonymous said...

I love to cook and love to eat! One of our family favorites that I have been using recently is for Calzones or Hot Pockets. The recipe I use is at
I don't know if I'd attempt making the dough without a sturdy mixer as it makes a big batch. I normally use mostly whole wheat flour to make the dough. Or you could just use the frozen bread dough like you mentioned in another question. We make ham/chesse, bbq chicken, turkey pepperoni with marinara, chicken and broccoli. The kids usually want to dip them in ranch and after you cook them they can be frozen, thawed and eaten another time. This particular recipe feeds our family about 4 meals so we always freeze half.

Anonymous said...

So, I'm not so much with the cooking. Makes it tough to get healthy stuff in my kids and go easy on our budget. It's not that I can't cook, or even that I don't enjoy it. It's more the meal planning and being a really picky eater myself that gets me in trouble. I need to be better about making a bi-weekly meal plan and sticking to it. Phil works odd hours, and is only home for dinner a couple nights a week, making meal planning difficult too.

I think it's hard taking the time to make a whole meal for myself and 2 kids, who, together might eat 1 serving of something, when I could be playing with the kids. It has always just been easier to make quick stuff....sandwiches, chicken nuggets, pancakes, macaroni, etc. Not exactly a picture of health, but it gets us by. I'm always looking for new easy and kid-friendly recipes though, so feel free to pass them on!