Thursday, July 31, 2008


What form of discipline do you use? Do you spank? Use time outs? Slap hands? Other? If you spank, do you use something (to represent the rod) or do you use your hand?

We use a little bit of everything with discipline. Each kid has a different thing that works best. Most of the time, we don’t need to use spankings. But if one of the kids is being extremely defiant, we will spank. When we spank, it’s just one swat with our hand to their backside. Usually, just getting the kid away from the situation is enough.

Time-outs work really well with our social 2-yo. Being away from people is very tough on him. Time-outs aren’t as effective with our 4 yo because she can play wherever she is – her imagination goes with her even in time-out. Too, she is usually obedient and very helpful, so she rarely needs to be punished.

A couple times, we’ve slapped hands for when the kids push or hit each other. Though, I don’t feel right slapping a hand and saying, “Don’t hit!” There’s something a bit hypocritical about that, isn’t there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems as if people are purposly avoiding this question! It can be a bit contraversial so I can see the aversion... :)

Like Karen, we do what works best in depending on the situation and the child. Sometimes a time-out in the room works best (especially for giving the kids time to work out their attitudes!) and sometimes taking away a priviledge. But for outright defiant disobedience we do spank.