Saturday, July 19, 2008

Kid Strengths

How do you help your kids build on their strengths/passions? And how do you identify those strengths/passions?

At 2 years of age and even before, my now 4 year old loved to dance and move around to the music. I enrolled her in a ballet class for the summer (6 weeks long, 1 class per week). She really enjoyed it. We signed her up again last summer, and she enjoyed the first 2 classes. The last 3 classes had a different teacher, different teaching style, and 4 yo was not happy with the change. We didn’t enroll her this summer for various reasons, and she hasn’t really mentioned it.

4 yo LOVES the rodeo and talks about how she’ll ride horses and catch bulls when she gets older. She’s ridden a pony a couple of times. Perhaps this will be an interest to pursue, too.

2 yo doesn’t have any distinct “interests” beyond trucks and jumping around. I bet he’d enjoy trying out rec league soccer or something. But we haven’t looked into it.


Anonymous said...

I see a lot about my kid's passions at the library. We go a couple times a week and can see trends in what kind of books the kids want to check out. Our oldest (4) is ALWAYS wanting to check out american history and geography books. He is not interested in the "basics" he still can not get his colors right! But he knows a lot of the presidents when he sees them and info about them. He can states and countries on a globe. This makes me nervous because I am not a history person at all- I guess he'll be teaching ME a few things in the years to come!

I guess I would say- find what interests each of your children and to the best of your abilities (time, money, etc) let them explore and learn! I think libraries are great for this!

Meghan Theiss said...

With my three girls so close in age: 5-5-3, they are so influenced by one another that it's hard to distinguish personal interests in each of them. One is particularly interested in horses, but other than that, they all like to dance, run, camping and coloring. They all love books, and so I guess I will just wait and try to foster the unique traits in each of them as they surface.