Friday, July 18, 2008


Is there a resource that you have found most helpful to you with your child-rearing?

This is where I’m weak – I’m just kind of winging it. I know there are books out there about raising boys and girls and dealing with the different personalities. I guess I do better hearing stories from other people. I do get Focus on the Family parenting magazine and enjoy reading those articles.


Meghan Theiss said...

i think the best resource are people who are admirable chrisians who have the experience. you'll pick up things that work for your family from different friends. it helps so much to talk about things with other mature people!

Mary said...

We have used one main stand by resource so far in our son's first year and a half. It has been incredible and made a huge difference for us, especially in the early months developing a healthy sleep/eating routine and maintianing a biblical mindset about it all.
There are multiple books in the series for different stages in raising kids. The series is a combo video/workbook designed to be used in a bible study/discipleship situation. A christian couple who we respected and admired their parenting abilities, from our church in Winona went through the first one with us while I was pregnant with #1. You could also just get the workbooks and read on your own.
The video series is called "Preparation for Parenting" and the companion workbook series is called "Let the Children Come" by the Ezzos.
So far we've done the first 2 books, "Along the Infant Way" and "Along the Toddler Way". there are 4 more workbooks we hope to continue with that deal with different issues at each stage of childhood.
The Ezzos also published a more secular book titled "Babywise" which is basically the first workbook ("along the infant way"). Of course I also love to hear suggestions from other "more seasoned" parents.:)

Momma Basel said...

Meghan -- I agree. It's easier to talk to people who have gone before you because (1) they've survived parenting, and (2) you can see how the kids have turned out, too.

Mary -- Thanks for sharing. I googled "Along the Infant Way" and saw that there seemed to be controversy about the author and his ideas. I didn't look much further, but wondered if you'd heard anything about that.

Anonymous said...

I love talking with other people about their parenting ideas and advice- so this is great, Karen! A parenting book that I LOVE and made me really enjoy my children and give me a vision for what I want my family to look like someday is "Romancing Your Child's Heart" by Monte Swan. It's not extremely practical info, but more a philosophy of family living. Also, I've recently came upon and have been using some of the resources (and reading the blog) at . We are using their book Values-Driven Discipleship regarding teaching the kids the Bible and raising them to love and honor the Lord.

Jamie S said...

Alright, I know I can't comment on all the posts...but in response to mary's post. Prep for Parenting aka Along the Infant way etc. aka Baby Wise. by the Ezzos. Baby Wise is the secular version of Prep for Parenting. Prep for Parenting goes into the Biblical aspect of the method. It is contraversial because it strongly encourages a fairly strict eating and sleeping schedule. However, the book STRESSES to use your judgement. To watch the clock some, but also assess the situation and if the situation warrents be willing to adjust to your child's needs. There are studies showing that Baby Wise babies were developing a failure to thrive...but again, if you lean one way and watch the clock too much that could happen. Overall a good philosophy. We used it in combo with Healthy sleep habits happy baby. We read the second book, this is where the "yes, mommy" concept comes from. I don't know who mary is, but the Krogstads were and are very committed to this method and have taught it in small groups in Winona and in Texas, and gave us our copy as a gift when we told them we were expecting. Good stuff, but as always take what works for your family out of it. It also has some good things to say about parent's relationships with eachother and how that affects the children and the family as a whole.