Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Personality pt 2

Maybe this belongs back with the personality question, but here it is. Do you have highly active children? How do you cope with / curb / channel their energy?


Momma Basel said...

My 2 yo boy seems to have be a constant flow of energy. Some days he's a bit more calm than others. But for the most part, he's running from one thing to the other, jumping on the couch/chair/bed if he can get away with it. Sometimes I think he pushes 4 yo around because he doesn't know what to do with himself.

I'm not concerned that he has ADD or anything; I think this is just a normal energy level. I'm just not sure what to do.

For now, when I sense that the day may be a high-energy level day for him, I try to focus on being by him almost constantly. I'll get him to help me bake something or clean something with me. If he's really against being my special helper, then I'll find him something to play with near where I'm working. There's always the opportunity, too, to get outside and let him run, climb, and jump. We like to take family walks, too, and he usually runs during that time.

I'm a bit apprehensive about winter and what we'll do if we can't get outside. If we lived near a mall, we'd probably make great use of that for walking around. But the closest one is an hour away. Hmmm...I wonder if our local grocery store would mind if we ran around there for a while. :)

4 yo girl sometimes has bursts of energy, too,though not as often, and her bursts tend to come with a rebellious spirit. Those days, either letting her play by herself can help or my joining her for one-on-one time can be a big aid too.

9 mo baby girl is full of energy. It gets interesting with her because she's super squirmy and wiggley. But if we put her down on the floor to crawl around and play she'll throw a fit because we're not holding her. Funny girl.

How about you? What are your tricks of the trade?

Anonymous said...

Luckily out of my three kids I don't have any with any major energy (hooray!) but at times they do get bursts of it (along with lots of noise!) so we get outside when we can. One thing I am going to do this winter is to bring the tricycles and scooter into the basement. If I get around to cleaning up :) there will be room down there for burning some energy. And at times because I WANT them to be more active I have taken all our pillows and couch cushions and bean bags and lay them out in the middle of the room so they have a play to climb when they can't get outside. Ok, so that won't calm the active kids down any... :)

Meghan Theiss said...

So comparing my girls to my nephews is like comparing apples and oranges! The boys are so active and always into something. My girls read, color, play with their imagination and run without crashing into things. So, I don't feel I'm qualified to answer this one. Though, I must say, they get into things they shouldn't at times, and to avoid that, I just keep the ideas rolling with things for them to do. That way they don't have time to think of trouble.