Thursday, August 7, 2008


How do you de-stress?


Momma Basel said...

Having a piano in the house has been a huge de-stresser for me. If I'm upset or antsy or don't know really what emotion I'm feeling, I can sit down at the piano and just play and it really helps me work through it. My husband says he can tell exactly what I'm feeling by the type of music I play. When I finish playing, he'll often come ask me if I want to talk or what brought on that mood or whatever.

Getting outside and walking is another good de-stresser. The fresh air is amazing and getting away from whatever the situation is can always help get perspective.

Momma Basel said...

Oh yeah, one more thing. Sleep is always a good "escape" for me from stress.

Meghan Theiss said...

Eventhough my piano skills don't compare to Karen's, I can relate. I should remember that one more often. Also, walking--fantastic destresser. I like to take a drawing journal to the river and draw, or write. Sometimes, just a long spell in the bathroom with quiet can be so relaxing for me. I love my old bathtub! It's actually amazing to think that I don't get nearly as stressed now as I used to! That whole sleep-deprivation thing was hard on me!

Hilton Baby Blog said...

I love to journal when I'm stressed. Or go for a walk, read a book, basically anything quiet. But I've come to realize recently that another way I de-stress is by being around my friends. Just hanging out drinking coffee and having pleasant conversations does wonders for my soul and my attitude. When I had a piano I used to play to get my emotions out, like you karen! I look forward to the day I can have one in my house again.
Also my husband is really good at giving me head massages when I'm stressed out. It is sooo relaxing I usually fall asleep.

Anonymous said...

For de-stressing I like anything quiet...reading, sleeping, walking, running. Sometimes I just need to do something different- like go out somewhere with the kids. But my all time favorite way to de-stress is probably to cook. Something about being in the kitchen is SO relaxing and enjoyable to me. Even on a stressful day I still like to make dinner for my family. Luckily, the kids usually manage to entertain themselves while I'm in the kitchen...although, not always. :)