Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Where’s your refuge? Where do you go to get away when you need a break? Where’s someplace you’ve been where you’ve felt totally at peace?


Momma Basel said...

Back in college, my favorite refuge was Living Waters Bible Camp. There was something so peaceful there. I always hated to leave and go back to the real world.

I've felt that "total peace" a couple other times. They haven't been at the same location. But they have a common factor -- getaway. Whenever I can get away from the day-to-day and not be bothered by responsibility or phone calls or whatever, that's when I've truly been able to relax. Wow, that sounds so obvious once it's written down. But that's the only way I can explain it. Some of my favorite vacations have been getaways with barely any structured plans -- peaceful.

Anonymous said...

Just give me a good book and my bath tub and I am in heaven!

Anonymous said...

It may sound fairly blah but I really like to wander around the library on my own. I think I like it because it is quiet and and I can move at my own pace. It is actually a place that I go to when I need a break.

A place that sticks in my mind as a place that I've been totally at peace may even be familiar to some of you. I haven't ever been up there on my own (Byron's always been with me) but it feels like you are when you just sit. It's at the top of Pole Hill. You go up the forest road, park at the gate and then up the road. Instead of going to the fire tower, you turn right and walk a little ways and then bushwack to this big drop-off. There are a bunch of cool rocks to sit on and you can see all of the Front Range, Cheyenne, Denver and the plains. It is so cool. The one time that sticks in my mind was when there were a number of different thunder storms out over the plains and we just sat there and watched lightning for a long time. That was peaceful.

Meghan Theiss said...

Tonya! I've been to that same spot on Pole HIll during a lightning storm! I's incredible!
For me, my fav. place is my grandma and granpa's. I always have favored it more than anywhere. I think it's a whole combo. of reasons why, but mostly b/c of the horses, ruralness, family memories, and always a good group around the table with homemade food. Lots of talking late into the night...stories, laughter, crickets and frogs. Wildlife, warm fire, adventures, and lots of love.

Anonymous said...

One place I like to go to get away and feel peace is the lighthouse pier. We live in a small town along Lake Michigan and early in the morning the sun rises on the horizon of the lake. There is a pier that goes out about a half mile and ends with a lighthouse. If it's real still out you can see salmon and trout swimming among the rocks and boats coming in and out. It's just a very peaceful, quiet place I like to go early in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Wow--I think I want to live by Amy! That sounds like someplace I would really enjoy. :)

I love camping and doing things outside. But, since we live in the city and don't get out to do it much, I like to take walks by myself to relax. I enjoy going with others, but I can take up a good long time walking and just thinking about "stuff", nothing specific, and it relaxes me just to "space out" for awhile by myself.

Also therapeutic for me is shopping by myself. I get to be on my feet and move around, I don't have any kids to be responsible for, and I'm usually bargain hunting, and that's one of my all time favorite things to do. (kinda by necessity) :)

Momma Basel said...

I think we're going to have to hold a Mommy Mania get-together at Amy's pier. Wow!

NicoleRanstrom said...

That's funny, Gini. I was going to say give me a good book and coffee, and I'm good. :-)