Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Eating Healthy

How did you learn about eating healthy? Did you eat healthy when you were growing up? Where would you recommend someone begin if they wanted to start eating healthy now, but didn’t have a clue where to begin?


Momma Basel said...

Help! The way I'm currently helping us to eat healthy is to eat in moderation. But I know there's more I can do, in terms of knowing what types of food we need and don't. But seriously, I need help. Should I start with the food pyramid? What do YOU do??

Unknown said...

Moderation is a great place to start. Our family is very strange in this area - I'm a vegetarian, Scott is a pizza and burgers guy, and Micah eats mostly fruit, milk, and yogurt drink (or McDonalds when I'm not watching). What I've tried to do lately is not to take things away or change too much, but to add one healthier thing to each dinner that we have together. Like veggies instead of chips with that buffalo burger. Or replacing soda with Hansons or Izze. If I change a little bit at a time, maybe they won't notice? :)

I do buy organic and natural, which is important to me, but definitely something you can add later.

Momma Basel said...

Heather, your meals must be quite an adventure!! Thanks for the recommendation to change a little at a time. I think we'll be doing the veggies-for-fries substitution more often. (Though, I'm the one who "needs" fries more than the kids. We'll see how I do with that one!)

Meghan Theiss said...

Well, I think I have it easier than most, without trying to sound boastful. What I mean is, I grew up on a very healthy diet. Candy for us was sesame chews, which if you couldn't tell by the name, is NOT candy :) But, that way, I don't have a need for soda, fries, junk food, sugar cereal, etc. Mark, on the other hand, does in a huge way. So, we eat my way, and he is growing to like it a lot. he really likes the idea of it, but he gets his fixes at McD's by himself. I won't let him feed the kids that stuff, because I want to give them the head start that I had. They are great at eating salad and all the other green stuff I put in front of them. Of course, we talk a lot about nutrition, why these foods are good for us, and what they do for our body. That helps give motivation.
We like to eat a lot of fresh produce when we can. We also have a concept of healthy food based off of Leviticus, and what God told was good and what was not. We don't pay any attention to the food pyramid. In fact, I think it is rather false. But if you are interested in my "different" way of eating, you could read The Maker's Diet. It really is based on the Bible and modern scientific research. We really love it, too! I do think palates change over time as you make the changes slowly. God bless your efforts, Karen!

Anonymous said...

Like one of the other posts said- taste buds can really change as you take out some of the more processed stuff and replace it with more natural food. Like if you're craving something sweet go for a piece of fruit and get the natural sugars instead of a graham cracker, etc. I think that replacing white flour products and white rice with the whole varieties makes a big difference. One reason is because you are getting more nutrients and these take longer for your body to process so you will be full longer and not eat as much. Fill up on veggies and fruits and have some source of protein at each meal. I have lots of ideas I could write, but I don't want to go on and on. In short a resource I would recommend is the books Body For Life and Eating for Life (and the websites about these). After reading these and following the real practical way to eat for my whole family I lost 80 pounds and has now become and very easy, doable lifestyle for all of us. Also, for a good philosophy of healthy eating for kids (and adults) I like what The Sneaky Chef Cookbook says. Not all of the recipes necessarily, but the front of the book where she writes about ideas to get kids to eat healthy. Hope that helps!