Sunday, October 26, 2008


What 3 things are different than you thought they would be (or something you didn't even think about) now that you are a mom?


Momma Basel said...

(1) I get really excited at the opportunity to shower! It never happens every day, and never first thing in the morning.

(2) I have no idea what to do when I'm given the gift of time (whether all 3 kids are napping, or Husband gives me an hour or two off)! Do I clean? read? just sit still and enjoy silence? fold laundry? start a project? go for a walk? go somewhere? The options are endless!

(3) I've realized that motherhood = ultimate selflessness. ONLY when I focus on others and their needs do I enjoy this journey! When I'm focused on trying to accomplish things and completely bypass time with the kids, I'm stressed and short with them. And that's just no fun! But when I focus on the kids and play with them or have them help me with things that need to get done, THEN the house is a peaceful place. (I didn't say quiet or clean...just peaceful.) :)

Meghan Theiss said...

Couldn't agree with you more, Karen!!

Anonymous said...

Motherhood is MUCH more difficult than I ever thought it would be. All the people in the parenting magazines looks so happy! In real life it is a lot of sacrifice and hard work!

I didn't think about how much less time I would get to spend with my husband. And how its hard to even complete a sentence with him without being interrupted.

I didn't realize what a mess my house would be! :)